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Language courses

Terraditoscana, in cooperation with Centro Italiano Firenze offers qualified Italian language tuition for adults with a private tutor or in small classes (2 to 5 pax per class)  where participants learn rapidly  in a familiar and pleasant environment. It’s possible to choose between various programs and combine them with seminars on cooking, wine tasting, history of art, trekking or painting.
The school is situated in a beautiful, nineteenth-century, tree-lined square, Piazza D’Azeglio, in a central area of Florence where many Florentines live off the main tourist routes. Small shops, artisan workshops, cafés, restaurants and theatres make this part of Florence particularly attractive and lively. Just a few minutes’ walk away are Piazza Santa Croce, the Duomo, University and some of the most important museums in the city.
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  Terra di Toscana

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